Getting your security deposit back at the end of your tenancy shouldn’t be like playing the lottery. If the expectations are clear and you have a good plan, you should know how much of your deposit to expect back.
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What is a Security Deposit?
So, how does a security deposit work? A security deposit is a one-time fee for your landlord when you enter his property. Depending on your landlord’s demands, the fee may be half the rent, the whole rent, double rent, or even triple rent.
A security deposit makes sense to anyone who lends property to tenants. If they do any damage while living there or run away without paying last month’s rent or bills, the security deposit should cover the costs.
When Should a Landlord Return a Deposit?
The security deposit should be added to your contract with the landlord with the exact amount you’re paying. You should expect it back once you leave the place and if you covered all contract conditions (such as paid bills, no property damages, and so on).
Once these conditions are covered, the landlord will return the whole amount if everything is fine. Or, they might use part of the money to pay for repairs or bills and send you back the rest. The contract should cover at least a few situations, but there are just so many details you can add. It will cover general situations where a landlord is permitted to keep the money.
Bear in mind landlords will look for ways around it. But, if there isn’t a reason to keep the deposit, you should expect it in the next ten days. Unless there is a clause in the contract for an extended time period.
How to Get Your Deposit Back From the Landlord
Landlords, like any other person who receives security money, would most probably prefer not to return your deposit money back unless everything is the way they left it to you. So, you have to put some sweat into it. Here is how to ensure you get your deposit back.
- Read the contract carefully. It should have clear instructions on what is required upon moving out. You’ll know if there is a cleaning fee right off the top, what damages are considered outside of “normal wear and tear,” and what to report in advance. You can create an efficient move-out plan and prevent a less-than-savory landlord from taking advantage of you.
- Make an inventory list upon moving in. This is a great way to prove that you did your job properly at the end of your tenancy. Make a list of everything in the place and its condition, and add many pictures. You can compare when moving out that you’re leaving the place the way you moved in.
- Give at least a month’s notice you’re moving out. No landlord wants to find out you’re moving out tomorrow. They need time to make their own plans and look for other tenants after you leave. This should also be written in the contract, and you better abide by it. It’s a good enough reason not to get your deposit back if you pull that stunt.
- Help out your landlord. If you want your landlord to be in a good mood (and you need that to get your deposit back), you can find a tenant to immediately take up your place when you leave.
- Do some fixes. It’s perfectly normal to have some damage, especially if you have lived there for a long time. But you should know that a can of spackle and a can of paint can make the nicks and bruises in a rental disappear.
- Arrange for a deep clean. You can always clean up the whole place, but there’s a noticeable difference between when you do it and when a professional does it. And, let’s face it, cleaning is the last thing you want to do when moving out. Arrange for an end of tenancy cleaning team, and your security deposit is in the bag.
- Keep in touch with your landlord. Moving out is stressful. And not just for you. The landlord wants to know how your plans are progressing and what you’ll do. So, tell them if you’re doing repairs (or don’t, whichever is better), whether you’re arranging professionals for cleaning (most landlords prefer that), and the exact date you’ll be leaving.
- Give the landlord your contacts for when he returns your deposit. Moves are expensive, and a deposit can be just the funds you need to get through the transition. If you know your lease, do some light repairs, and clean like you mean it, the refund should take care of itself.
Landlord Doesn’t Want to Return the Deposit
Even if all the conditions are covered, you gave the proper notice, deep cleaned the whole place, and paid all the rent and bills, a landlord might still not want to give you your money back. And that’s more common than you might think. So, how to get your deposit back from the landlord?
- Know your rights. You signed a contract and kept your end of the bargain. There isn’t a valid reason for the landlord to make any claims. Speak with an attorney, even if you don’t want to hire one, to ensure you’re on the right side of the law.
- Raise a fuss. Sometimes it’s enough to get your money back. But make sure you are well-mannered. Profanity will only distance you from your goal. Try to reason with them in a civilised manner.
- Take your landlord to small claims court. If you decide to persist, you always have this option but bear in mind that even if you win, the hassle might not be worth the returned money, especially if the amount you’ll be getting will already be less than the primary sum.
- Publicise your experience. No matter if you get your money back or not, make sure to expose the landlord for his wrongdoings. The internet can offer you many places to do that so that you can warn future tenants.
Deposit Protection Scheme
Since these kinds of frauds with landlords happen often, deposit protection services have surfaced in the UK. They resolve disputes between landlords and tenants and ensure no injustice goes unpunished.
The deposit protection scheme will ensure everything on your tenancy agreement is fulfilled. You must prove the property is not damaged (the inventory list comes in handy then) and that you have paid your rent and bills.
For more information, check out the deposit protection law on the Official UK Government Website.