Having to deal with all the preparations when waiting for a new baby to arrive can be quite scary and nerve-wracking. A lot of new moms get caught up with information coming from all sides, and it is not an easy task to find out what works best for each person. Nevertheless, becoming a mother is one of the most beautiful things that life has to offer. Of course, it is always advisable to consult with an experienced doctor and registered nurse to make sure that everything goes as smoothly and stress-free as possible. As a matter of fact, being well-informed is the very first step to make sure that you get adjusted to your new mom life as quickly as possible. So, without further ado, here are some helpful ways how to properly prepare for the postpartum period.
1. Stock up on care kits
Preparing for the first 30 days postpartum is extremely important to make sure you get back on track as quickly and efficiently as possible. After delivering your new bundle of joy, it is certain that you will have to make some drastic changes in your life. Not only does giving birth change your priorities and add a bunch of new responsibilities, but a new mother has to come with the terms that hormonal change and bodily changes will have to be dealt with. For example, it is completely normal to experience heavy bleeding and abdominal pain in the first two to three weeks after giving birth. The best way to deal with clotting is to invest in some high-waisted padded underwear. These so-called “granny panties” might not look fashionable, but they are excellent in dealing with postpartum bleeding. Remember, this is only a temporary situation and your body will heal with time. Another must-have for moms is dermoplast spray and witch hazel. Both of these items are great for alleviating the uncomfortable feeling of itchiness and painful hemorrhoids. Therefore, stocking up on some of these post-partum supplies is extremely helpful in the whole healing process. Another great thing that new mommas should consider is a bunch of cold packs. Even though store-bought cold packs can be quite expensive, there is an alternative such as making one at home. Just collect some pads and sprinkle a bit of water. Then, put the moist pads into the freezer, and voila you have your very own cold pack ready to instantly soothe any postpartum pain.
2. Have the numbers of your consultants on hand and ready to dial
One of the biggest issues new mothers have to deal with when adjusting to their new life with a newborn is proper sleep and breastfeeding. Although the media might fool you to think that motherhood is a piece of cake, in reality, this is not the case. A lot of mothers struggle with breastfeeding and getting proper sleep on a regular basis. Of course, when the other spouse is at work and you do not have anyone else to help you, then things can get even more stressful. The best thing one can do in such a case is to research local lactation consultants that will give you the best tips for breastfeeding. Also, it is a good idea to have the number of a sleep consultant at hand in case you are having trouble with getting enough proper rest. Therefore, have these things at hand when you get home with your new baby, and your postpartum period will be much more stress-free.
3. Stock up on baby supplies
More experienced parents might already know what supplies and gears a baby needs in its first couple of months of adjusting to life out of the womb. In contrast, new parents might find it stressful to get a hold of all of the so-called “essential” supplies that need to be on hand when the newborn gets home. As a matter of fact, there are some must-haves that should be in your inventory which will help you out tremendously in the postpartum period. One of the most important things that will be beneficial is a breast pump. Breast pumps are a budget-friendly way to give tired moms the freedom to relax and have some rest. Another must have is a nursing pillow. Nursing pillows are easily found in most stores and they are essential for first-time mothers. On the topic of nursing, there are nursing covers for mothers who want to keep their lady parts private when out and about. Not only are covers helpful when breastfeeding, but they also come in a wide array of cute designs, so they will double as a cute mom accessory!
4. Slowly bouncing back
Women who have been health-conscious all of their lives might be anxious to find out when they can get back on track with their fitness routines. Above all, it is important to consult with a doctor who will give approval before letting a new mother work out again. Even though it is not advisable to go back to the gym as soon as possible, light walks in nature can do wonders for both the mind and body. If you do not want to leave the baby behind when you go out for some fresh air, then consider investing in a budget-friendly baby stroller that you can find in a variety of attractive designs. Also, it is important to focus on incorporating more nutrient dense food items such as dark leafy greens and do not forget the importance of keeping hydrated! Of course, maintaining a healthy diet and mild exercise routine is not only important postpartum, but it is a must for making sure that pregnancy goes well.
5. Rest
Delivering a baby is a major thing that leaves a woman’s body exhausted and in dire need of plenty of quality rest. Of course, it is not easy to adjust to the idea that priorities will drastically change and your life will revolve around eating, feeding the baby, sleeping and changing diapers for a couple of months. Nevertheless, to relieve the feeling of anxiety and to control hormonal changes, it is crucial to make sure that the whole postpartum period is stress-free. Remember, it is slow progress to recover from such a life event, so do not rush the process.
In summary, the most important thing that a new mother needs to do in the postpartum period is to be kind to herself. Allow yourself to heal and adjust to your new life with a blessing in your hands.